Since we launched in 2020, we’ve been incredibly proud to have helped so many instructors and students around the world transform their coding education. As you may know, we were acquired last fall by Wiley and integrated into their industry-leading zyBooks online learning platform.  

We are currently working to simplify our portfolio and align it more closely with our strategic priorities in the post-secondary education with zyBooks. Unfortunately, this difficult decision means we will be ending the Coding Rooms platform offering. As a result, please note:

Coding Rooms will transition to a “read-only” state on August 31, 2024.

What does this mean? Starting September 1, 2024:
   1. No new courses or content can be created.
   2. Students cannot enroll in courses.
   3. Course content cannot be modified or edited.
   4. Activities cannot be completed, including running code in any IDEs.
   5. Content can be exported, copied, and downloaded while in the read-only state.

Coding Rooms is committed to keeping the platform up in a read-only state through the next school year – June 2025. This will provide you with ample time to export and migrate your content.

Click here to learn how to export your content.

Access for K-12 premium instructors will end next year, on August 31, 2024.  

We are no longer renewing K-12 subscriptions, but all premium K-12 subscriptions will be extended until August 31, 2024, to provide ample time to move your content elsewhere.  

If you are not already an active Coding Rooms subscriber, we are no longer accepting new premium subscriptions.

Please plan to migrate your content off our site by August 31, 2024. We will help you export your workspaces and test benches by that date.

Access for free instructors will end on October 1, 2023.

If you're a free instructor, please move your content off Coding Rooms as soon as possible.

After October 1, 2023, your courses will no longer be available to learners.

Note: We are no longer accepting new paying subscribers.

We apologize for any impact this change will have and are committed to helping you through this transition period.  

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to with any questions. We’re committed to making this transition as smooth as possible.  

Thank you for being part of the Coding Rooms community.  

The Coding Rooms team