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Coding Rooms Blog

Interview with veteran coding instructor D.I. von Briesen about his innovative approach to keeping his students engaged in his comp sci classes.

Coding Rooms and the Randomizer Wheel

September 19, 2022
D.I. von Briesen
Read article
What strategies are effective for increasing enrollment in computer science at the school level?

Strategies for Increasing Access to Computer Science (video)

August 15, 2022
Sam Procopio
Read article
Wondering how to assign group projects in Coding Rooms? Curious why group projects could be beneficial for your students?

Hows and Whys of Group Projects (video)

August 12, 2022
Doug Vermes
Read article
Educator Sangmin Pak presented awesome strategies on how to differentiate CS lessons at our PD Day last month.

Differentiation in CS Classrooms (video)

August 9, 2022
Sangmin Pak
Read article
From Pair Programming to the PRIMM framework, Emily discusses several strategies to reduce the cognitive load of students in your classroom.

Reducing Cognitive Load in the CS Classroom (video)

August 5, 2022
Emily Linniman
Read article
At our recent PD Day, Lisa presented strategies that give students an easy path to success when tackling iterative and recursive methods.

What does this code do? Hand tracing techniques for iteration and recursion (video)

August 4, 2022
Lisa Ryder
Read article
Autograding is Coding Room’s most popular feature, a built-in functionality that transforms a tedious and time-consuming task for instructors – writing custom grading scripts – into a fully automated and powerful tool.

How it Works: Advanced Autograding in Coding Rooms

June 1, 2022
Harris Salat
Read article
What are the best practices for training coders at all levels, from "Hello World!" to re-skilling seasoned devs? We share knowhow and tips that you can put to work right away with your learners.

Coding Rooms Course: Best Practices for Coding Instruction

June 1, 2022
Harris Salat
Read article
Discover the wonder and learning toys and games can bring to your computer science classroom.

A Toy Story

April 5, 2022
Karen Latimer
Read article
Learn about the five key ways Coding Rooms supports new computer science teachers.

How does Coding Rooms Support New Computer Science Teachers?

March 24, 2022
Courtney Johnson
Read article
How can we assess students with disabilities in computer science classrooms?

Differentiating CS Lesson 3 - Product

March 17, 2022
Sangmin Pak
Read article
Learn how automated feedback can improve teacher and student experience in your classroom.

How Automated Feedback Improves the Classroom Experience

March 10, 2022
Evan Sayles
Read article
Coding Rooms was at SIGCSE 2022

Were you at SIGCSE 2022 last week?

March 7, 2022
Samar Kal Youssef
Read article
How can we teach CS to students with disabilities in a more meaningful way?

Differentiating CS Lesson 2 - Process

February 23, 2022
Sangmin Pak
Read article
University of Texas at Dallas panel discussion with Coding Rooms Founder and CEO Sasha Varlamov.

UTD and Coding Rooms; an entrepreneurial discussion

February 21, 2022
Samar Kal Youssef
Read article
Get tips on how to build regex (regular expressions) and use them for Input/Output test on Coding Rooms IDE.

Using Regex for Input/Output Tests

February 17, 2022
Patrick Barton
Read article
Coding Rooms supports The City University of Hong Kong department of electrical engineering Hour of Code

An Hour of Coding with Coding Rooms in Hong Kong

February 15, 2022
Samar Kal Youssef
Read article
Coding Rooms joins CSTA's CS Across the Curriculum Summit

CS Across the Curriculum Summit 2022

February 14, 2022
Samar Kal Youssef
Read article
Finding activities that are both educational and engaging for students is a key to success in any classroom. In CS, it may be a bit easier to find as there are numerous activities available that meet both criteria!

Insightful Activities to Engage Students

February 8, 2022
Sherri L. Smith
Read article
Did someone say… differentiation? Don’t hide! Here are some tips to differentiate CS content in your lessons!

Differentiating CS Lesson 1 - Content

January 31, 2022
Sangmin Pak
Read article
A quick run-down on unit testing: its benefits, drawbacks, and how to use it as you teach or learn.

JUnit for Teachers and Students - What Java Unit Testing Is and How it Works

January 24, 2022
Evan Sayles
Read article
There are so many lucrative opportunities in the world of computer science. The work, salary, education, and job outlook will vary by specific career. While career exploration is listed in many CS standards, the emphasis and enthusiasm that we are able to provide will benefit our students.

CS Career Exploration

January 14, 2022
Sherri L. Smith
Read article
A quick read for anyone whose code produces the dreaded “FileNotFound” error when attempting to access a data file.

Understanding Relative File Paths

January 10, 2022
Kathryn Perry
Read article
Keys to a successful computer science classroom! Tips to both engage and instruct your students. Have them leave the lab with greater confidence and computing skills!

Classroom Culture and Student Confidence

January 3, 2022
Sherri L. Smith
Read article
Recommendations for teachers or loved ones looking for a great present for a student in a computer science class.

4 Books that Make Great Gifts for Computer Science Students

December 28, 2021
Evan Sayles
Read article
Discover strategies to help create a gender-balanced, unbiased, diverse, and equitable CS classroom.

Using Computer Science History to Change the Face of IT

December 19, 2021
Karen A. Latimer, BSc. BEd.
Read article
Computer Science is increasingly competitive with a low retention rate in colleges.

Is Beginning to Learn How to Code in College Too Late? (how to become a computer programmer)

October 28, 2021
Angela Qu
Read article
Coding Rooms is the more customizable tool compared to CodeHS for teaching Computer Science.

[CodeHS vs. Coding Rooms] CodeHS Alternative for Computer Science

December 23, 2020
Angela Qu
Read article
Updates on our conferencing functionalities:

Coding Rooms Product Update (November 5th)

November 5, 2020
Sasha Varlamov
Read article
Help getting started with the Coding Rooms instances beta feature

Instances (Beta) Help

November 2, 2020
Sasha Varlamov
Read article
Zoom is just not built for teaching programming classes.

3 Reasons Why Zoom Online Teaching Does Not Work for Programming

November 1, 2020
Angela Qu
Read article
A comprehensive guide to exporting Replit Classroom data to migrate to other classroom management tools

Replit Classroom Export Data and Migration - Comprehensive Guide

October 31, 2020
Sasha Varlamov
Read article
Convert an int/int64 to a string in GoLang

GoLang Int to String

October 29, 2020
Sasha Varlamov
Read article
[Zoom vs. Coding Rooms] Need for Smart Engagement Metrics in EdTech; Student Accessibility at an All-time Low.

[Zoom vs. Coding Rooms] Need for Smart Engagement Metrics in EdTech

October 27, 2020
Angela Qu
Read article
Learn about the basics of what open source education is and how you can leverage it

What is Open Source Education

October 26, 2020
Sasha Varlamov
Read article
Learn about decentralized education

What is Decentralized Education

October 24, 2020
Sasha Varlamov
Read article
Learn how to use geo libraries in Python (basemap) by plotting fires in California

Using Geo Libraries in Python (Basemap)

October 23, 2020
Sasha Varlamov
Read article
Learn from industry professionals tips on how to get better at problem solving as a developer

The Key to Getting Better at Problem Solving as a Developer

October 22, 2020
Sasha Varlamov
Read article
Learn The 8 essential tips for the AP Computer Science Exam that no one told you from a former AP CS student.

The 8 Essential Tips for the AP Computer Science Exam that No One Told You!

October 21, 2020
Sasha Varlamov
Read article
As a developer, it should almost be a requirement to spend at least 7-minutes a day becoming a faster, better, and more knowledgeable programmer. Here's how to do it!

The 7-minute Programmer Workout

October 20, 2020
Sasha Varlamov
Read article
Learn the 3 Secrets of self-studying for the AP Computer Science Exam that no one told you from a former AP CS student who also self-studied for their exam.

The 3 Secrets of Self-studying for the AP Computer Science Exam

October 20, 2020
Sasha Varlamov
Read article
Our story of how we tried (and failed) to find a modern, human-readable courseware standard, so we built one! The rationale behind the EXL Open Courseware Standard.

In Search of an Open Courseware Standard (EOCS)

October 19, 2020
Sasha Varlamov
Read article
Learn how to build impactful learning content

How to Build Impactful Learning Content

October 16, 2020
Sasha Varlamov
Read article
Learn from industry professionals some tips to help you become a more effective developer

How to Become an Effective Developer

October 15, 2020
Stan Varlamov
Read article
Learn how to become a professional software developer

How to Become a Professional Software Developer

October 14, 2020
Stan Varlamov
Read article
Learn how to handle runtime errors in Java

Runtime Errors Java

October 8, 2020
Sasha Varlamov
Read article
Learn how to use the directory data type with for loops in Python

Python Dictionary with For Loop

October 7, 2020
Sasha Varlamov
Read article
Learn how to use nested loops in JavaScript

Nested Loops JavaScript

October 6, 2020
Sasha Varlamov
Read article
Learn how to iterate through a 2D array in Java

Iterating Through 2D Array Java

October 5, 2020
Sasha Varlamov
Read article
Learn how to create a virtual programming classroom.

How to Create a Virtual Programming Classroom

October 4, 2020
Sasha Varlamov
Read article
Learn how to get the length of a 2D array in Java

2D Array Length Java

October 3, 2020
Sasha Varlamov
Read article